Graphic Design
The Plotter Cutting machine is connected to a computer equipped with cutting and drawing software programs and uses blades to cut a material that lies above the flat surface area of the plotter. With our Plotter Cutting machine in our structure, we prepare your box sizing as a sample before proceeding to the mass production stage and present it to you for approval.
Graphic design consists of designing visual communications that aim to convey specific messages to social groups with specific goals. The design is based on the principle that "form follows a specific function". In our graphic design studio located on our field, we assemble the graphic images that come from you or designed by us into boxes of the sizes you want and make them ready for printing.
Cromolyn Printing is a type of one-page color proof process used to check the presence of defects or other unwanted marks, CMYK color matching, and verify and confirm the size and position of page elements before proceeding on offset printing. With our Epson Digital Printing Machine with Spectrometer in our graphic design studio, the cromolyn printout of the graphic work that we have designed or come from you is taken and your approval is obtained before the printing, and then mass production starts.
CTP (Computer to Plate) is an imaging technology that helps transfering a digital image created on a computer directly to a printing plate. The technology used before CTP was computer-to-film transfer (CTF), similar to darkroom photography, in which the image output is passed onto a photographic film and the output film is then used to make the printing plate. CTP technology eliminates all darkroom processes and is a much faster process compared to film-based printing, so printing efficiency is greatly increased. The visual design approved by our CRON CTP machine in our graphic studio is transferred to the printing plate.
The term CIP3 stands for the International Cooperation for Integration of Processes in Pre- press, Press and Post-press. CIP3 is an international standards body whose purpose is to encourage computer-based integration of all processes involved in graphic arts workflows by specifying and publishing standards. CIP3 software is used with Spectrophotometer measuring devices. It is a necessity for companies that want to print with ISO standards with a color chart that does not change under any circumstances. Thanks to the CIP3 software in the offset printing machines in our field, the color values of the visual design you have approved are transferred to our offset printing machine exactly.